The Guardian: Armenia and Azerbaijan to be invited to Prague EU summit

Armenia and Azerbaijan will be invited to the EU summit in Prague on October 6, which is expected to form a European political community, a body dealing with security issues across the continent.

According to The Guardian, Britain is also among those invited.  While EU diplomats agree with the UK’s invitation to the meeting, the issue of Turkey’s inclusion is more contentious. Greece and Cyprus oppose Turkey’s invitation. However, the president of the European Council said, Charles Michel said the EU should invite Turkey, but he wanted to make sure that all colleagues support it.

Other guests included Norway and Switzerland, non-EU countries deeply integrated into the single market, as well as nine countries hoping to join the EU, including Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and six Western Balkan states, as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Although there have been concerns that the European political community might simply replicate existing pan-European bodies such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Michel has suggested that leaders would like to create an informal and very flexible body resembling the G7 or G20.