A group of former high-ranking officials of the National Security Service (NSS) of the Republic of Armenia (RA) have issued a statement which reads as follows in particular:
“The events unfolding after the signing of the trilateral agreement between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Russia on November 10 of this year show that instead of stabilizing and settling, the situation is getting worse, the external and internal security threats against the Republic of Armenia are becoming stronger and more obvious.
(…) as a result of the current situation, the entire security system of the state has become vulnerable and endangered.
In the current situation, for the stabilization of the situation in the country, we, the undersigned, call:
Not to involve the law enforcement agencies in internal political intrigues, turning [them] into a tool of carrying out repression.
To get out of the shock, show professionalism, and solve—with concrete actions—the above-mentioned problems in the armed forces and the system of governance.
To thoroughly study in a short period of time, in a transparent, publicly accessible way, the information on the communication between the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia and the possible deal between them.
To change power in a short period of time in order to eliminate the polarization of the society, to form national solidarity.
If the RA authorities ignore this call, we ourselves will form a fact-finding group (…), and the information on a possible conspiratorial deal against Armenia and Artsakh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)] and the consequent deliberate defeat in the war will be checked by all available means.”